TeamTalk Update – 22 November 2020

TeamTalk Update – 22 November 2020

November 23, 2020 0 Team Talk


Contents usually include: Old Boys Marist Senior & Junior rugby reports – weekly competition & draw winners – NZ Marist – affiliates Cricket, Netball, Football and Softball seasonal reports – Club Social events  +  News & Views etc etc.

Views and comments often expressed in this publication are not necessarily
those of the executive or policy of the Napier Old Boys Marist Rugby Club.

“Team up with a winning Club in 2021”

  Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement.

  Phil Beck                           Presidents Report 2020

It is with pleasure that I present this summary report for 2020 to our club members. The year began with a hiss and a roar when we hosted the 89th Spillane tournament in early March where our Premier team came from behind against Hutt Old Boys Marist to win a remarkable final and win the Spillane cup once again.

This great start to the season was immediately followed by the  COVID  lockdown period of 3 months where no club rugby was able to be played. Eventually club rugby commenced on 20th June and finished on 29th August which resulted in a much shorter playing season.

We again fielded 4 senior teams and all represented our club extremely well. Our Premier Team reached the semi-finals of the Maddison Trophy where they lost narrowly to Taradale. Our Colts Team also reached the semi-finals of the Pat Ryan Cup where they lost narrowly to Hastings R & S. However the highlight of the playing season came when our Premier Reserve Team came from behind to win their final against a strong Maraenui team and win the Jack Swain Cup. Overall it was another very successful year. Huge efforts were made by players , coaches and managers over this disruptive season and our thanks go to you all.

Despite some COVID restrictions we were able to hold a highly successful Annual Dinner & Prize giving function in September. During the evening Craig Gowler the retiring coach of the Premier Team was awarded the trophy for the Best Club Member which was greeted with wide acclaim by those present. Craig gave an impressive acceptance speech. The record shows that under his astute coaching his “Flagship” Premier Teams were Maddison Trophy finalists for 4 consecutive years and were outright winners of the trophy in 2016, 2017 and 2019. In addition Craig also served on the clubs Board of Directors for several years. It has been a massive contribution. Thanks again Craig.

The Junior Rugby report from Bevan Condin shows that 2020 was another busy and successful year despite the disruptions caused by COVID. This year they fielded teams in all grades like prior years with the bonus of an extra 5th grade team.  Unfortunately all representative rugby and Ross Shield rugby was cancelled due to COVID.

Our clubrooms and bar facilities continue to be extremely well managed by Wade Colville Smith. His report details the numerous events held throughout the year. As well as hosting numerous club events there continues to be increased use of our facilities by other sporting and community groups.

Our clubs financial performance for 2020 is detailed in Chris Benson’s report. The financial statements show a net surplus after depreciation was achieved for the year. This is a very pleasing outcome considering the impact COVID has had on grassroots rugby. A special thank you must go to our loyal sponsors and fundraisers who contributed generously to our club over this difficult year.

To all our coaches, team managers and volunteers thank you for the time you have given over this challenging season. It has been another successful one and your efforts have been appreciated. To all our Sponsors thank you for your support.  We are extremely fortunate to have so many sponsors willing to help fund our club. A big thank you must also go to our Chairman Terry Gittings for his outstanding leadership and to our Board of Directors who have given such great service to our Club.

With the 2021 season approaching rapidly it is important that we are well organised early and prepared to meet the challenge ahead. It is pleasing to note we have already appointed our coaches for Premier and Colts grades for 2021. I am also aware that a number of vacancies are occurring in the administration area for next year so if you can help out please do not hesitate to get involved.

I wish you all a happy, healthy and safe festive season and best wishes for 2021.

Phil Beck




Napier Old Boys Marist
Rugby Football Club Incorporated

Monday  7th December 2020  at 6.00pm
at the Clubrooms, Park Island, Napier


  1. WELCOME by the Chairman of the meeting
    2.                        APOLOGIES
    3.                        CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES of the 30th  Annual General Meeting of the 9th Dec 2019
    4.                        ANNUAL REPORT Receipt and Adoption
    5.                        ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Receipt and Adoption
    6.                        ELECTIONS:
    (a.) Patron               (b.) President         (c.) Vice Presidents
    (d.) Chaplain           (e.) Chairman         ((f.) Directors
    7.                        CONFIRMATION OF DELGATES
    Hawkes Bay Rugby Union,   Napier Old Boys Association
    St John’s Old Boys Association,   NZ Marist Rugby Federation
    8.                        GENERAL BUSINESS



Your Rugby Enquiries Welcome

Tim Jones
Director of Rugby
– 021 660 834

Your Rugby Enquiries Welcome

         All credit must go to our new  head coach Ellery Wilson on once again promoting and organising this years successful NOBM 2020 Invitational Sevens tournament.  Also along with event MC, our chairman Terry Gittings, result co-ordinator Dave Bell, Wade Colville-Smith, club management director and where would we be without our Hawke’s Bay referees team.  THANK YOU GUYS


Results in relation to our Open Mens and two Colts teams while not resulting in an overly successfully tournament the players still enjoyed plenty of action with ball in hand.

Results: NOBM Colts 1  – vs Pirates lost  7-27  ;  vs Havelock North lost 10-33 ;  Tamatea lost 5-40 ;  Lindisfarne lost 5-26.
NOBM Colts 2  –  vs HRS lost 7-27 ;  vs St John’s won 21-14 ;  vs Tamatea lost 5-40.


Premier –  vs Havelock North won 15-14 ;  vs MAC won 35-5 ;  vs Pirates lost  12-24.   NOBM Premiers played off in the 5/6th final winning 14-10 over Tamatea.


The Colts Final saw Feilding Agricultural High School winning 14-10 over Tamatea Colts.   And in an entertaining Open Men’s Final which resulted in Whanganui Ngama Tapouri Fijians winning 17-12 over Rotorua Fijians.  In doing so picking up the winners prize of $2500 as well as entry into the National Club Sevens tournament for the Middlesex County Wavell Wakefield Cup,  while the beaten finalists Rotorua Fijians took home $1000 for their efforts.


The winning Whanganui Ngama Tapouri Fijians team captain receives a unique carved Tewha Tewha from
Rick Anderson along with the winners cheque. And Chairman Terry Gittings presents the runner-ups
prizemoney to the Rotorua Fijians captain at the end of another successful tournament.

The winning Colts tournament captain from Feilding Agricultural High School is also
present with a carved Tewha Tewha

Napier Old Boys Marist’s Players of the Tournament Premiers Pedro Bezanilla and Colts Jayden Murphy (whose trophy
was collected by Ryan Lideque) were awarded Patu’s which were presented by Rick Anderson who had arranged all
the carvings crafted by inmates at Mangaroa Prision..




💚 See you out there in 2021 Green Machine!!

For further Junior Rugby Info please contact
> Bevan Condin  (021) 160 5118   or   Hayley Ceselli  (021) 765 701

For more details check us out on Facebook:

2020 NOBM Junior Rugby Committee

Bevan Condin
Dave Walls (Convenor), Hayley Ceselli (Secretary),
Grant Frommherz, Therese Rodger, Glenn Fulcher,  Rochelle Williams. 

“New Players Welcome to Team up with us in 2021


club noticeboard

MISSION statement

“To provide a sporting and recreational club for both men and women which encourages both individuals and teams to reach their maximum potential in their chosen sporting club endeavours.
In doing this it
would always be our aim to maintain a fun club spirit, which treats every person equally and which ensures that the club runs on a profitable basis”

31st Annual General Meeting
of the NOBM Rugby Club will be held on
> Monday 7th December at 6pm <
at the Clubroom, Park Island.

See YOU at the Clubrooms



All members and friends Welcome
Join our affiliate codes sportsmen/women – footballers, netballers, cricketers & softballers  –  at the clubrooms.

See YOU Soon

Call in for a cool TUI or two


Clubrooms OPEN from
5pm on Saturdays through the summer season

All Welcome  –  See YOU soon



Clubroom Bookings
for all Functions or Events

In the first instance please contact:
Director of Club Management

 Wade Colville-Smith
 Mobile – 021 059 3943


  VS         THAT  following yesterdays winning result over Taranaki for the second successive week it will be all on come this coming Friday evening when the Magpies playoff for a spot in next years Mitre10 Cup’s top division.   The northerners Kauri Country will certainly bring their own brand of hard-nosed rugby as they attempt to wrest the game and result off the top qualifiers.   The support of our local fans will be important to lift the team to going one better.  So folks to ‘pack the park’ will really help our team lift their game to another level.  Make Sure  YOU  and your friends, family and mates get there in full voice.   ‘GO  THE  BAY……’

  DESPITE . . . scooping up a hattrick of awards at the Southland Stags award night this past week Stags skipper Tony Lamborn has failed to pick a Super Rugby contract for 2021.  The former Hawke’s Magpies loose forward won Stag of the Year, Stags Player of the Year and Supporters Club Player of the Year.

FOR YEARS . . . years I’ve taken part in various rugby sweep competitions with varying success. On a site called Superbru at the conclusion of the Mitre 10 Cup round robin I’s in the following positions:-  Global 86/9404,  New Zealand 62/5042,  Hawkes Bay 12/420.  We also have one going at Mitre 10 Mega Napier organised by former Green Machine manager Todd Donaldson.  We all put in $50.00 for this one.  Currently I’m ranked third of 28 players, just six points behind second place held by someone called Radar, Todd is in eighth some 30 points behind me.

DID ANYBODY . . . spot the obvious mistake in yesterday’s Mitre 10 Cup semifinal match day programme? The reference to most points by a Hawke’s Bay player should be against Taranaki, not Manawatu ?

FOLLOWING . . . the completion of the Mitre 10 Cup round robin media outlet Stuff released the outcome of their MVP Award for 2020.  The winner was Auckland winger Salesi Rayasi on 17 points. Next was Southland Stags skipper Tony Lamborn on 11 followed on 10 by North Harbour’s Bryn Gatland and Tasman Mako’s Leicester Fainga’anuku.  The highest ranked Hawke’s Bay Magpies players were Ash Dixon, Folau Fakatava and Devan Flanders all on six points each.

SO . . . Fozzie and the ABs have copped some flack this week for losing consecutive tests.  In doing so the ABs have slipped to third in the latest IRB rankings list.  Spare thought then for Wales Kiwi coach Wayne Pivac.  Their loss to Ireland in the All Nations Cup last weekend was their sixth consecutive loss and dropped the Welsh to ninth in the rankings.  So 1-10 IRB rankings are as follows:-  South Africa, England New Zealand, France, Ireland, Australia, Scotland, Argentina, Wales and Japan.

DURING . . . the week (19th) former Napier Old Boys Marist premier goalkicking prop/hooker Eugene Gerrard celebrated his 34th birthday.  And yesterday the 21st was KJ Dooney’s 43rd birthday.

AND NOW . . . a something from the useless information file.  From November 22nd 2005. Poems written by Bob Dylan in his college days sell for $78,000 at a New York City auction.  The 16 pages of poems from his student days at the University of Minnesota during 1959-60 are believed to be the first time he used the name Dylan.  He was born is Robert Zimmerman.

SAYING . . . of the week. “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take will take you there.” – from late former Beatle George Harrison during his final ever TV interview in 1997. Harrison passed away in 2001.

Cheers McGoo


     THAT the Mitre10 Championship Semi Final game yesterday back on home turf is what the Hawkes Bay punters had been waiting for all season.  Whether one was at ‘the Park’ on viewing the encounter on TV yesterday it really turned out to be a top spectacle with some great tries.  From the ever improving halfback Folau Fakatava and his superb 70 metre touchdown after Dixon had stolen the ball from a Taranaki ruck out from the Bay goal line,  to the hattrick of Ash Dixons, it was certainly a result will now have the fans back next Friday evening for the 2020 Championship Final.

THAT this surely wouldn’t be the logo of an Australian rugby club would it !   Yes it is surely is and a proud Western Australian member of the ‘Brothers’ network that has a number of affiliate clubs on the northern, eastern and western seaboards of Australia.  They are the equivelant of our New Zealand Marist network on a lesser scale.  The Australian Brothers Rugby Union Clubs are:  Cairns,  Townsville,  Mackay,  Rockhampton, Brisbane,  Sunshine Coast,  Sydney.  Also St. Patrick’s Rugby Club, Sydney,  Waverley Rugby Club, Sydney, and Joondalup Brothers RUFC, Perth

THAT what is particularly significant about historic moments in Argentina’s test match results versus the All Blacks.  First five Nicholas Sanchez kicking all of the 25 points in his teams 25-15 win last Saturday.  And back in 1985 in Buenos Aires on the All Blacks first ever meeting of the two nations New Zealand won 33-20 in the first test and in the second the legendary first five Hugo Porta kicked all of his teams 21 points in their drawn encounter with All Blacks

++++   It always seems impossible until its done.



“I always said that I was going to live to see the day the Pumas beat the All Blacks.”
An emotional Hugo Porta told the La Nacion.

 “We’ve been through hell.  We’ll remember this for a long time . Not only because of the game but the special situation that got us here. I guess  someone will write a book about it.”
Pumas coach Mario Ledesma.

 “I believe given their recent miserable record…..New Zealand spend recuperating time Tier 2 and are replaced in the Rugby Championship by Cook Islands.  Only fair.”
As usual caustic British scribe Stephen Jones couldn’t resist relishing in the AB’s shock loss to the Pumas.

“The Pumas were sensational after a whole year away from test rugby.”
Rugby columnist Jon Reason.

Test  Your Rugby Knowledge

This weeks Poser 1  What is the name of the stadium where the All Blacks were beaten last week by the Pumas – ?

Poser 2   –  Who won the  Colts section at last years NOBM Invitational Sevens in 2019 ?                     

Poser 3  –  When did the Wallabies last hold the Bledisloe Cup ?    

Poser 4 –  Who is North Harbours Bryn Gatland playing Super Rugby for in 2021 ?         


Last weeks Poser 1  – With Argentina justifiably grabbing the news at present, when was the first time the Pumas and All Blacks met ?            Answer –  1985  (Argentina 20 Al Blacks 33 played in Buenos Aires)

Poser 2   –  Who was the team that won the open Mens 2019 NOBM Invitational 7’s tournament ?             Answer –  MAC            

Poser 3  – What was the last game the NZ Maoris XV played ?         Answer –  Fiji (NZM won 26-17 in July 2019)

Poser 4 – Magpie sub Sona Taumalolo got himself suspended until 2021 last week for striking which Wellington player a number of times. Who was that player ?        Answer – Halfback Conor Collins   


   MITRE10 CUP  –  Sun 13 Sept vs Southland (Invercargill) lost 10-16  –  Sun 20 Sept vs Counties Manukau (Napier) won 31-17 –  Sat 26 Sept vs Canterbury (Napier) won 20-19 –   Sun 4 Oct vs Otago (Dunedin)  won 28-9 (RS)   –  Sun 11 Oct vs North Harbour (Takapuna) lost 10-46  –   Fri 16 Oct vs Northland (Napier) (RS) won 33-17 –  Sat 24 Oct vs Manawatu (Napierwon 47-12 (RS)  –   Sun 1 Nov vs Bay of Plenty  (Tauranga) lost 17-22  –   Sun 8 Nov vs Wellington (Napier)  (RS) won 34-18  –  Sun 15 Nov vs Taranaki (New Plymouth won 34-33  :   Semi Final – vs Taranaki (Napier) won 59-23   :  Final – vs Northland

Scoring:  4 min Jayson Potroz pen –  0-3 ;   14m Jayson Potroz pen –  0-6 ;  21m Geoff Cridge try/con Caleb Makene –  7-6 ;  26m Lucas Hall try   –  7-11 ;  29m Solomone Funaki try/con Lincoln McClutchie  –  14-11 ;  32min. Pouri Rakete Stones try/con McClutchie  –  21-11 ;  36m Ash Dixon try/con McClutchie –  28-11   ///   41m McClutchie pen  –  31-11 ;  44m  Dixon try/con McClutchie. –  38-11 ;  52m. Folau Fakatava try/con McClutchie. –  45-11 ;  61m. Dixon try/con McClutchie. –  52-11 ;  68m. Ricky Riccitelli try/con Stephen Perofeta  –  52-18. ;  71m Connor McLeod try/con McClutchie  –  59-18  ;  75m. Donald Brighouse try  –  59-23



Mitre10 Semifinals:
Cup  –  Auckland 23
Waikato 18  :   Tasman 19 Bay of Plenty 10    Championship – Otago 19 Northland 32  :   Hawke’s Bay 59 Taranaki 23

BLEDISLOE CUP  –  11 Oct. vs Australia (Wgtn)  Draw 16-16  : 18 Oct. vs Australia (Auck) Won 27-7  : 31 Oct. vs  Australia (Sydney) Won 43-5  : 7 Nov. vs Australia (Brisbane) Lost 22-24

  – 31 October NZ vs Australia (Sydney) won 43-5    7 Nov. NZ vs Australia (Brisbane) lost 22-24  :   14 Nov. NZ vs Argentina (Sydney)  lost 15-25 :   21 Nov. Australia vs Argentina (Newcastle) Draw  15-15  :   28 Nov. NZ vs Argentina (Newcastle)   :  5 Dec. Australia vs Argentina (Sydney).   (Re-scheduled draw since South Africa withdrew)


New Zealand Marist Rugby Federation
An organization initiated to promote and foster a spirit of union, co-operation and close friendly relations between all Marist and similar rugby union football clubs in New Zealand, Australasia and the Pacific.

Neil Murphy,  General Manager

Ellwood Function Centre,  Otene Road,  Hastings.     Phone: 0274 070 809

2020  NZ Marist Colts tour  –  Northland/Auckland regions 
– This years tour was been cancelled.
2020  NZ MARIST XV  v  NZR Divisional XV  – This years tour was been cancelled
>>> Info on rescheduling both of these events will be announced in 2021 <<<

Start planning NOW to attend the annual
Spillane Tournament
Hosted by Taupo Marist in association with New Zealand Marist
Owen Delaney Park
Tournament Dates: Saturday 13th / Sunday 14th March 2021
Final entries 14th February 2021

Hosted by Taupo Marist in association with New Zealand Marist
Owen Delaney Park – Netball Courts
Tournament Date: Saturday 13th March 2021
Final entries 14th February 2021

Run by Marist Netball Hamilton & Napier Ex High Marist
Important Reminder
Act Now and get your travel & accommodation funding applications underway
>>>  <<<




Do you or one of your kids have a passion for cricket?
Why not join our awesome club!!!

Please email –
or call  0204 1557 857   to register for junior trainings.

New members are especially welcome!!

Patron: John O’Shaughnessy

President: Dave Herrick

Vice Presidents: G O’Shaughnessy, Lawrence Willis, David Pearson, Dave Bovey, Matt Bertram,

Robert Ferreira, Peter Nixon

Secretary: Andrew Frame

Treasurer: John McCorkindale

Chairman: Del Whyte

Committee: Del Whyte, Dan Whyte, Stu Lindsay, Scott Morgan, Mathew Sinclair, Glen Walklin, Calim Leathard, Club Coach & team captains.

For all Cricket Info please contact:
– Secretary – Andrew Frame   ph.843 7701 H  /  021 102 4990  –
or  Del Whyte – 021 705 030  –

“New Players Welcome to Team up with us again for the
2020-21 Season”


Contacts: Club Chairman: Craig Smith.  Secretary: Abby Whitley – 027 8450 735  –
Club Contact: Dianne de Lautour – 027 240 3235
“New Players Welcome to Team up with us for the 2020-21 season”

Napier Marist Football
Team Up with Napier Marist Football again in 2021….

2020 Committee Members
Chairman – Chris Guillemot
  Treasurer – Nicola Brown   Secretary – Larissa Duwakin   Club Captain – Ken Cooper
Executive –  Sheree Lack,  Marty Akers,  Carl Hunt
Coaching Coordinator – Marty Akers

Junior Club Captain – James McIntosh.   Junior Committee
Rep – Anna Quinn
Thanks to our clubs major sponsors
Alexander Electrical  –  Bay Mazda  –  Bay Tours & Charters  –    BTG  –  Engage Video  –  Latteys  –
Matt Sinclair Harcourts  –  Nelson Signs  –   On Line Autos  –  Pak n Save  –  Pro Active Physio  –  Pro Blast  – Red Steel  –  Shed 2  –  Vision Homes  –  Westshore Beach Inn

>>> For all Napier Marist Football info please contact – Chris Guillemot  – 0278 450 952

“Play Napier Marist Football in 2021
– New Players Welcome”



ExHigh Marist Netball
Pass the Word Around
Come along and join our club in 2021

>>> For more Info  please Contact:
President: Glenys Hannan  027 8355 565
Secretary: Rebecca Hollyman  022 621 0653  /  Treasurer:  Jacqui Gardiner  0272 398 204  /
Gear Manager: Jo Exeter  0276 227 607  /  Jill Verschaffelt  027 299 2704

Like us on facebook to keep up to date with all the happenings.

‘Team up with ExHigh Marist Netball again in 2021′

The Leprauchan Comments

It was raining hard and a big puddle had formed in front of an Irish pub.

An old man stood beside the puddle holding a stick with a string on the end and jiggled it up and down in the water. A curious gentleman asked what he was doing.

‘Fishing,’ replied the old man.

‘Poor old fool’ thought the gentleman, so he invited the old man to have a drink in the pub.

Feeling he should start some conversation while they were sipping their whisky, the gentleman asked, And how many have you caught?’

‘You’re the eighth.’


Old Man McQuillan walked into a Murphy’s bar and ordered martini after martini, each time removing the olives and placing them in a jar. When the jar was filled with olives and all the drinks consumed, the Irishman started to leave.

“S’cuse me,” said a customer, who was puzzled over what McQuillan had done. “What was that all about?”

“Nothing,” said the Irishman, “my wife just sent me out for a jar of olives.”


Paddy and Mick were approaching a pub which had been destroyed by a bomb only minutes before. As they passed, a head rolled out of the smoldering ruins and across the pavement before them. Paddy stooped, picked it up and held it for Mick to see.
“Sure now Mick, isn’t this Sean Murphy?”
“No, Paddy, no, it couldn’t be. It’s an amazin’ resemblance, but Murphy was shorter than that.”

We look forward to seeing all rugby players, footballers, netballers, cricketers and softballers and friends at the clubrooms each Saturday  –  Pop in for cool Tui or two  – Also bring along your mates for an Ale and a chat.    All members and Friends Welcome …………. Ed

Napier Old Boys Marist Rugby – Napier Old Boys Marist Cricket – Napier Marist Football – Napier Marist Netball – Napier Marist Softball

”Team up with Napier Old Boys Marist” 

Readers please Note:  >>> As we now have in excess of 1200+ email recipients in different groups that receive TeamTalk each week we wish to remind you that if you would like to add a friend or associate  or  if you want to be removed from our Email address list please notify –

Our 2020 Napier Old Boys Marist Club Sponsors

WIT Whatever It Takes  –  Richard Kepka Builders  –  Sideline Bar  – Tremain Real Estate  –  Programmed Property Services  –  Napier Collision Repair Centre  –  Maurice Trapp Group  –  Best Travel  –  Motordrome Tyre Service  –  Broker Webb Risk Services  –  Devine Plumbing  –  BJ Mahony Shearing  – Gailbraith Earthmovers  –  MRD Web –  Hirepool  –  Red Steel  –  Shape Life & Financial Services  –  Tech Group   –  Scott Applegate Electrician  –  Vertex

Thinkwater Hawkes Bay  –  DB Breweries   –  BWR  –  Conroy Removals  –  Napier Sandblasting  –  Danks Carpet Court  –   YOU Travel  –  Nelson Signs   –  Lawson Robinson  –  Kooga  –  Onekawa Liquorland  –  Chris Wiig  –  Cautions Restaurant @ Shed 2  –  Konica Minolta  –  Proactive
Eastern & Central Community Trust  –  Endeavour Community Foundation  –   Four Winds Foundation  –
Infinity Foundation Ltd  –  Lion Foundation – New Zealand Community Trust  –  Pub Charity  –   The Southern Trust

Members Support our valued Sponsors as they Support us