TeamTalk Update – 23 August 2020

TeamTalk Update – 23 August 2020

August 30, 2020 0 Team Talk

Napier Old Boys Marist Rugby Club


Contents usually include: Old Boys Marist Senior & Junior rugby reports – weekly competition & draw winners – NZ Marist – affiliates Cricket, Netball, Football and Softball seasonal reports – Club Social events  +  News & Views etc etc.

Views and comments often expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the executive or policy of the

Napier Old Boys Marist Rugby Club.


We have a simple philosophy at Napier Old Boys Marist – that we are a well organised rugby club both on and off the field, we are fit, disciplined, well coached and our players are very loyal. Our teams are always well presented.


At Napier Old Boys Marist we promote a strong work ethic, we play with a special passion and honesty which is fun to be part of, but we also expect our players to carry that honesty through to their work and personal lives.

In summary we as a club will create a positive environment so that players can expect to progress in their rugby careers. To excel players must also take responsibility for their rugby and life in general.


The Hard Cold Facts

Maddison Trophy  –  Semi Final


The week started well and Coach Gowler was happy with the team preparation for the biggest game of the season against our old foes from up the road…… Taradale.

The game started at a million miles an hour as usual, and was as brutal as ever. The boys in green were giving as much as they could as these two teams were clearly the best in Napier.   Today was unfortunately not our day and we were pipped at the post after leading for 70 minutes.  Taradale deserve the win and we would like to wish them all the best.  So that’s it for the year and it’s time for some of us to say goodbye.

The Management team have done extremely well this year and we have had a lot of fun.  However, like a fine wine it’s time to turn the glasses over and call time, for what has been an amazing journey for the past 5 years.  Greig, Glenn, and myself wish to say goodbye.  It’s time for the new guard to take over and say goodbye to the old.  Three titles in five years as well as numerous other titles has been a privilege to be a part of.  And from us all I would like to thank you all for your support and we will follow the club in the future.

It also was an absolute privilege to be asked by Coach Gowler to join his merry men and pass on some of our knowledge to the young stars of the club.  But Craig to, has decided to retire as well.  His job as coach is done, and his role at changing the lives of these fantastic young men is over.  I say this with all the admiration I can muster that both Craig and Jodie will be sadly missed as part of the furniture of the NOBM club.  The passion, time, and values I have witnessed Craig instil in this group of people has been breath taking.  Thanks Craig, it has been a breath-taking ride and I am sad that it has come to an end.

If I could offer any advice to the club, is that you appoint a new coach asap and that you get the signatures of the current team to stay and play for the incoming regime before the vultures start to circle.  We want to attract new players, and this will only happen if the incoming players see what we have to offer after what Craig has built, as he has set the bar for club rugby excellence in the bay.

Thank you to all the ballboys, Physios, and supporters, this job would have been impossible without you all.

My loyalty to the club will continue and will always hold Terry and his executive in the highest regard.

And on a final note the 3 ,2,1, this week goes to the following 1 to the ball boys 2 to the managers and 3 goes to both Craig and Steve

Thank you again and goodbye.

Report courtesy – Todd Donaldson

Scoring:  – 3min Patrick Teddy try/con Bain Champion  –  7-0 ;  5mTaradale try/con  –  7-7 ;  23m Don Devine try/con Champion  –  14-7 ;  28m Taradale pen  14-10 ;   33m Champion pen  –  17-10 ;  38m Taradale pen  –  17-13   ///   50m Taradale pen  –  17-16 ;  72m Taradale try  –  17-21 ;  75m Champion pen  –  20-21 ;  80m  Taradale  –  20-24

Players of the Day  –   3. Craig & Steve   2. The Managers     1. The Ballboys


Jack Swain Cup  –  Semi-Final


The Richard Kepka Premier Reserves took on Pirates in what we knew would be a tough close semi-final. Pirates started strongly with 2 early tries in the opening 10 minutes but once our lads got into their game they looked good.  Adam again brought his kicking boots, keeping us in it and we went into the break down 17-13.

A couple of injuries posed some questions but a full bench meant they were quickly answered. Good to see.  The boys stood up in the second half and played real good semi-final footy, got down the right end and scored some good tries.  Eventually resulting in us coming away with a tough hard fought 39-27 win which will see us take on a really tough Maraenui team in the big dance next week.

Credit to Adam again this week with his kicking, 6/7 with a sideline conversion in the 78th minute his only blemish. We wouldn’t have got this far without the points off his reliable boot. It’s been an up and down season but the boys are peaking at the right time and have earnt the right and deserve to play Finals Footy. Can’t wait….. and in the words of former Premier skipper the late Roger Aranui  ‘only six more sleeps guys!’

Tries George, Dylan (2), Willie, Ryan. Adam cons 4/5, Pens 2/2

 Report courtesy – Chris O’Connor
  Players of the Day  –  3. Andrew Robinson     2. Hamiora Mirangiorangi       1. Adam Chapman



Ron Parker Memorial Cup

The Thirsty Thirds season has finished as they played their final game last weekend so unfortunately there will be no more words of wisdom in 2020 from our team correspondent – AJ

Players of the Day  –  3

 THIRDS SEMI FINAL RESULTS –  Bridge Pa 36 Clive 27      Flaxmere 24 Taradale 19


Pat Ryan Memorial Trophy  –  Semi Final


Once upon a time there was another Semi-Final……..

22nd August 2020 Tremain Field No.2 it doesn’t get any bigger really as a colts player, playing for another week in a shortened competition.  In our road to a Colts Final on Mclean Park stands a HRS team that we have only ever lost to by a maximum of 3 points but more recently a draw and a 1 point loss in the last 3 years and in a round robin game should have beaten. HRS hadn’t played for 3 weeks so were fresh and ready.  We however were rugby hardened and bashed around and bruised a bit but were prepared to go to the distance.

We started really well using the slight breeze at our backs and kicking for territory and holding onto our ball  and using the width of the field  to build phases and put pressure on.  The penalties came and it was Te Rima Whenuaroa  that smashed over next to the posts for our first try, Brendon Carrol converted  7-0.   HRS came straight back at us and nearly scored but our defence was solid.  A well worked move saw us down the other end and more penalties came.  Brendon Carroll kicked 1 and it was 10 -0,  HRS were straight back into it and were rewarded with a try wide out to make it 10-5.

The rest of the first half we dominated, and HRS continued to infringe time after time which was frustrating to say the least because it stopped us points on the board.  Another penalty to Brendon Carrol and we were up 13-5 with 2 mins to go.   All week we talk about crucial times and places on the field and before halftime Reilly Hannan crashed over for a try and Brendon Carrol converted. Half time and you would have thought we had won it.

The 2nd half however was a different story we sat back a bit and waited resulting in letting HRS in for 2 soft tries and a penalty try to HRS.  At one stage we had 13 players on the field for been offside. With 5 mins to go and down 25-20 we were hard on attack on their line 5-6 phases and 5 or 6 penalty advantages HRS off side and off their feet.

All We ask for is consistency in a referee and if you can send someone to the bin for 10 mins from one side for been offside, then that’s what has to happen for the other side and that didn’t happen.

Maybe we should have kicked a penalty maybe we should have passed it wider earlier but one thing I can tell you our boys throw everything at that line and at the end, it wasn’t enough.  Our boys out on our feet and absolutely gutted.  Most of these boys had never played in a semi-final so there has been a lot of learnings done already however some have played in a semi-final for 3 years now and lost them all.   Once this team realizes how good it actually is, is the day we will see the best of these young men. You will see a lot of these guys go on and play senior rugby but I tell you here and now there is nothing wrong with playing Colts rugby for NOBM.

To win a right to be in a Final on Mclean Park there needs to be commitment and have the right Attitude for the entire season, at times some players struggle to get away from work to make trainings and games.  Some players go walk about for 3 weeks.  Some go and warm up with other teams because they think that’s better.  You need good numbers because at times great Aunty Millies 80th birthday seems much more important and as you go deeper into the season injuries take their toll.   You need good communication between other team coaches and the Directors of Rugby.   Through all this, this team is still a very rewarding team to coach,and to see new players come through and play Premier rugby is a really satisfying feeling.

I’d like to take this opportunity to Thank Steve Smithers who has been head coach for NOBM Colts rugby for the last 6 years.  Some may remember NOBM not having a Colts team one year and Steve starting one and has made at least the Semi Finals ever year.  After the game we had Terry our club Chairman talk to our Colts team.  It was a nice touch and the first for sometime for a senior member from the club had talk to these young men.  Thank you

Report courtesy – Monty Monteith

Players of the Day  –  3. Pio Mauga       2. Pal Lapa       1. Andy Lindeque

COLTS SEMI FINAL RESULTS – Tech 34 Taradale 19

Look in the mirror….that’s your competition


Craig Gowler
Premier head coach
Director of Rugby Development
–  0272 402 550


Tim Jones
Director of Rugby
– 021 660 834

Your Enquiries Welcome



Maddison Trophy round robin stats.

Leading Try scorers  –  Majella Tufuga (Taradale) 10    Alatasi Tupou (MAC) 9    Michael Buckley (NOBM) 8
Leading Point scorers – Bain Champion (NOBM) 90   Cameron Robinson (Taradale) 83  Martin Watson (Tech)  77



Next Premier Reserve Final  –  Saturday 29 August
Jack Swain Cup (Premier Reserve)
Napier Old Boys Marist vs Maraenui
Match details still to be announced


WIT Trust NOBM Premiers: Maddison Trophy –   20 June vs Tech (Whitmore) lost 12-17  :    27/6 vs Hastings R&S (Tremain) won 18-17 :   4 July vs Clive (Farndon) won 36-33  :   11/7 vs Central (Tremain)  won 71-7 :   18/7 vs Pirates (Tremain)  won 49-0 :   25/7 vs MAC (Flaxmere Pk) won 43-34  :   1 August vs Tamatea (Tremain) won 118-7  :   8/8 vs Taradale (Tareha Pk)  lost 12-23 :   15/8 vs Havelock North (Tremain) won 61-27 :   22/8 – Semi Final vs Taradale  lost 20-24 :   29/8 – Final

Richard Kepka Builders NOBM Premier Reserve: Jack Swain Cup –    20 June vs Tech (Whitmore) won 34-20  :  27/6 vs HRS (Tremain) won 24-10 :   4 July vs YMP (Tremain) 25-19 :   11/7 vs Maraenui  (Tremain) lost 7-37   :  18/7 vs Pirates (Tremain) lost 21-25  :  25/7 vs MAC (Flaxmere)  lost 24-36 :  1 August vs Clive (Tremain) won by default  :   8/8 – vs Taradale won 40-24 :   15/8 vs Havelock North (Tremain) 26-26  :  22/8 Semi Final vs Pirates  won 39-27  :  29/8 vs – Final

Sideline Bar NOBM Division 3: Ron Parker Memorial Cup
–   20 June vs Bridge Pa (Tremain) lost 0-66  :  27/6 vs Tech (Whitmore) lost 15-62  :  4 July vs Maraenui (Tremain) lost 5-45  :   11/7 vs Clive (Tremain) lost 17-82  :  18/7 vs Havelock North (Anderson) lost 0-68   :  25/7 vs Flaxmere (Tremain)  lost 0-59 :  1 August vs Taradale (Tareha) lost 0-50  :   8/8 – vs Bridge Pa lost 0-73  :  15/08 – Semi Finals   :   22/08  –  Final

Napier Collision Repair NOBM Colts: Pat Ryan Memorial Cup –   20 June vs Clive (Farndon) won 24-5  :  27/6 vs Pirates (Tremain) won 31-8  :   4 July vs Central (Tremain) won 48-12  :  11/7 vs Bye   :   18/7 vs Eskview (Tremain) won 44-0   :  25/7 vs HRS (Elwood) lost 12-13  :   1 August vs Tech (Tremain)  lost 24-31 :  8/8 vs Taradale (Tareha) lost 38-44  :  15/8 vs Onga-Tiko (Mathews Pk) won 24-10  :   22/8 – Semi Finals – vs HRS lost 02-25 :   29/8 – Final



💚 See you out there Green Machine!!


For further Junior Rugby Info
please contact > Bevan Condin  (021) 160 5118   or   Hayley Ceselli  (021) 765 701

For more details check us out on Facebook:

2020 NOBM Junior Rugby Committee

Bevan Condin
Dave Walls (Convenor), Hayley Ceselli (Secretary),
Grant Frommherz, Therese Rodger. 

Glenn Fulcher,  Rochelle Williams, 

“New Players Welcome to Team up with us in 2020


club noticeboard

MISSION statement

“To provide a sporting and recreational club for both men and women which encourages both individuals and teams to reach their maximum potential in their chosen sporting club endeavours.
In doing this it
would always be our aim to maintain a fun club spirit, which treats every person equally and which ensures that the club runs on a profitable basis”

Mark Friday 18 September on your calendar
as this will be the date of the Clubs

2020 Annual Dinner & Trophy Presentations

More details to be advised later


Clubrooms  Aftermatch  Action  Yesterday

Shape  Life Brokers   – Supporter of Day –  Sam Smithers

Broker Web Risk Services  lucky members draw  – $100  – Robbie Morrison (not present) so
pool increases to $150 next week

Clubroom Raffle  winner (Saturday)–  $50  Club voucher –  Frann Halpin
Annual ‘200 Club’  Draw 6
$100  –  No.171 Matt Robinson
–  No.12 Robert Burnside
 –  No.8 Dave Wall

See YOU at the Clubrooms


Our popular
Thursday Club Roast Dinners
are now up and running

IMPORTANT >>> This year we will be taking your order which will need to be placed by
Wednesdays  –  text  or  pmsg SUE 0272 955 033

NEXT Roast Meal will be on Thursday 27th August from 18:45hrs

STILL only $10 per head !     Eat in or take away

The next meal will be  PORK  with all the trimmings….come in and support the club….

Open to all, bring the family down. Bookings take priority.  If the kids don’t do roast, we have kids options available


All members and friends Welcome
Join our affiliate codes sportsmen/women – footballers, netballers, cricketers & softballers  –  at the clubrooms.

See YOU Soon

Call in for a cool TUI or two


Clubroom Bookings
for all Functions or Events

In the first instance please contact:
Director of Club Management

 Wade Colville-Smith
 Mobile – 021 059 3943

Non-playing members
Have YOU paid a Sub Yet ?

Your subscription of   $50  can be paid by Direct Credit to the clubs

SBS Napier – Account  – 03 1355 0760476 00
Cheque mailed to: Napier Old Boys Marist RFC, P0 Box 216, Napier
 also at the  Club Bar 

Please Note:
A renewed  or  new membership will see you financial with the Club through until 31 March 2021



  THAT here’s a milestone 20 years ago FLASHBACK to 2000

The new millennium under the Presidency of Gary Macdonald saw the official opening of our new clubrooms at noon on Sunday 4 June of Queens Birthday weekend witnessed by a great turnout of past and present players, officials, life members and supporters who were present for the occasion.  Following the welcome by President Gary, the new clubroom complex was blessed by our Club Chaplain Fr Alex Taylor S.M. (himself a former playing member of the Napier Marist club and a Hawkes Bay rep) of the our new complex.  The Clubs Patron and Life Member Bruce Hawkins did the honours of unveiling the inscribed marble plaque that had been donated to the club by the Verschaffelt family which is now in place at the front entrance foyer.  Following the blessing Club chairman Phil Beck spoke on the background to the move to Park Island and of the building of the new facility and the future direction of the club was heading with our kindred sports groups.

The Clubs special guest for the occasion was New Zealand Rugby personality Sir Brian Lochore who had been a longtime team mate along with another legend of the game Colin Meads of the late Kelvin Tremain.  As chairman of the Hillary Commission, Sir Brian gave an enlightening address and congratulated the club on it’s sensible move toward forming a combined sports association with our affiliate Marist sports.  It was a trend recommended by his organisation that would certainly assure the Club’s survival in future and one which attracts funding assistance from a number of organisations.

Club chairman Phil Beck headed an active executive that had all contributed their services in managing the transfer of the club from the former Latham Street clubrooms at McLean Park out to Tremain Field at Park Island.  A special mention in the Presidents annual report acknowledged Bill Halpin, who was especially involved with the construction of the clubrooms which commenced in January 2000, also Sid McCann, Bill Reilly, Steve Woolhouse, Mike O’Connor and Tony O’Connor.  Also to our club captain Bernie Blundell for all his efforts.

The complex was financed through the sale of the Latham Street clubrooms property and the relinquishing of the lease of the old McKenzie Stand Marist clubrooms.  As well fundraising and donations from club members and special sponsorships from Park Liqourland, DB Breweries and Napier Legends Sports Café.   Substantial grants were received from the Eastern & Central Trust and from the New Zealand Lotteries Board. There were  also other sponsors, organisations and individuals who provided their services to the this project willingly and at no cost to the Club.

Our Marist affiliate sports clubs Cricket, Football and Netball were invited to share the new facilities and discussions were underway to form a combined sports association under the guidance of rugby club directors Bill Reilly and Mike O’Connor.

On the rugby front the NCS Premier team under the coaching guidance of Pat Benson and Peter O’Shaughnessy with management of Mick Dennehy won both its games at the Wanganui Marist hosted Spillane Tournament winning the Ham Cumming Cup and promotion back into the Hastings hosted tournament Spillane Cup division for 2001.  The Seconds tried hard all season and while competitive probably suffered to some degree as they were the backup squad for the Premiers who had a number of injuries during the season which often affected their chances.

The Electrotech NOBM Colts were the team to fly the Clubs flag high with all credit to the dedication and guidance from coaches Graham Weber, Russell Ennor and manager Mike Kaye.  They also made the final in back to back seasons with 2000 being against Taradale.  It is worth noting that that this is the sixth year that our NOBM Colts have made the final in the ten years since our amalgamation, taking the outright titles in 1995 and ’96.

On the representative front Premiers Reece Robinson’s talent was recognised with his selection in the New Zealand Divisional team, the New Zealand Academy and he captained the Mark Shaw coached Hawkes Bay side.  Also in the Magpie team were Waka Petera and Clint Chamberlain.  Of the 9 NPC games played by the Hawkes Bay Magpies the team won six and lost three which included the Final against Nelson Bay 16-43.  The clubs representative in the NZ Marist Colts in the South Island touring team was Richard Caccioppoli.


NOBM JUNIOR RUGBY …… The clubs Junior rugby division saw an upsurge in player number possibly due to the fact that we had moved out to our new facility and more in the central heartland of young families based either side of Tamatea – Greenmeadows and Taradale to the south and Pirimai, Onekawa and Napier to the East.  The club was now able to field 15 teams all proudly wearing their clubs colours each week. Congratulations were extended to the clubs 2000 Napier Ross Shield winning representatives Josh Kempton, Tas Lawson, Thomas Primrose and Matt Wyatt.

Ten years on from our amalgamation all in all it has become a new beginning for our combined Club with this move to our own new clubrooms as we look toward a successful future in the years that lie ahead.

The 2000 Napier Old Boys Marist ‘Sportsman of the Year’ –  Reece Robinson


THAT the Hawkes Bay App has certainly proved a boon of recent times with their coverage of some Premier grade club rugby matches in this somewhat different and abbreviated club rugby season.  To be able to see the action from other teams games while still watching your own has given one a new perspective on local club rugby.  Also with limited number allowed to attend games due to Covid-19 to be able to played  through your TV’s etc for larger number to view has proved an asset to club and others who have bothered to delve into how to manage it.

  THAT congratulations to winger Michael Buckley who last week hit his 50 games for the NOBM Premier team and as of last weeks games sits in third position on the leading Hawkes Bay Premier grade try scorers list.  We now look forward to your next 50 Michael

  THAT the Club extends its sincere condolences to the family of our co-Club Chaplain Reverend Bob Foster who passed away peacefully last Sunday.

THAT  Congratulations to our New Zealand Marist affiliate Tukapa Rugby Club in New Plymouth on taking out the Taranaki CMK Premier Championship 2020 by 33-29 finishing off the season winning every game and now over the years the club has won 17 Premier Championships.  The Club didn’t quite achieved the double as their Division Two team who also in the running for silverware lost their final.

  THAT an important message to our rugby, netball and football players and supporters  >>> Make Sure YOU get back to the clubrooms each Saturday for our regular aftermatch functions and 200 Club draws etc.  It is a great opportunity to catch up with your fellow club members, share a convivial refreshment of your choice plus some tasty morsels from Rick & Sues kitchen and chew over the afternoons games and results.  Also be entertained by Chairman Terry’s repartee and take on the afternoons games and results  Members   >>>   Make Sure you are there….

  THAT our onboard chefs Rick & Sue wish to extend their THANKS  to our members and families who have been supporting the continuation of their popular Thursday Night Roasts.   They also look forward to seeing you all once again on Thursday 27 August   Pass the word around to your team mates and members to come along for a great meal.

Remember >>> This year we will be taking your order which will need to be placed by Wednesdays >>> text  or  pmsg SUE 0272 955 033.


THAT here is another old Irish proverb  –   He who loses money, loses much; he who loses a friend, loses more; he who loses faith, loses all.

   THAT former World Rugby vice-chairman Agustin Pichot has warned that if the All Blacks, Wallabies, Springboks and Pumas end up playing no games in 2020 it would create a combined financial deficit of in excess of $800 million.

   THAT an update to all ticket holders in the clubs annual major fundraiser lottery –  The first five round of draws have now been made at the clubrooms.     This week is the last round of weekly cash draws of $100,  $80,  $60  and will be followed next week by three weekly cash draws of  3  x  $100 each week.

Then on the 19 September the Final draw consisting of a Travel Voucher to the value of  $2700.  (This could be held over and used post Covid when the borders reopen if you wish or else use for several trips within New Zealand – winners choice.)  In addition there will be a further three draws of $100 each.   We wish to Thank  all
our loyal supporters who have continued to support this annual club lottery.  Good Luck….

  THAT  It’s been a few years since McGoo’s Here and There appeared. With lockdown and no sport happening Eddie offered me a chance to reprise my former sports column that used to appear in the local club and rep rugby programs. I’ve rummaged up some old gems from a few years ago along with a few new bits too.

APOLOGIES. . . for not being at the clubrooms on Saturday night to either celebrate or commiserate the days results.  You see after being at McLean Park to score three semifinal games on the big screen  I’s a tad rugbyed out.  Having to get to grips with a yet another new operating system kept me and Dave Bell on our mettle too. Fingers crossed for the finals next weekend and they don’t change it on us again.  (2020)

ANOTHER . . . great turnout for the club roast night on Thursday.  Roast beef and a dessert sure went down a treat.  Depending on how our three teams in semifinal play-offs go this weekend will depend on whether or not there is a roast next Thursday night.  A grand total of 40 meals were  served up by Rick and Sue.  2020)

FILM AND STAGE . . . stars Richard Burton and Richard Harris, both avid rugby fans of their respective Welsh and Irish teams, once solved a ticketless problem to a 1964 Wales vs Ireland clash in a novel way.  Each drove his own Rolls Royce fore and aft of the Irish team coach clean into the stadium, Welsh Rugby Union officials assuming they were the official escort.  According to Harris, “They even saluted us as we swept through.”  (1997)

IN THE  . . . after the full nine rounds of this years Tui Maddison Trophy there’s been a total of 397 tries scored including five penalty tries.  And there’s been 60 penalties kicked along with 261 conversions and just the one dropped goal too.  The top teams try scoring wise are still The Green Machine (65),  HRS (57), MAC (48) and Taradale 46.  The bottom four teams try-wise are Tech (30), Pirates (28), Central (25) and Tamatea (18).  The top individual points scorer is  our own Bain Champion with 90 followed by Cam Robinson, Taradale on 88 and Tech’s Marty Watson with 77.  The Green Machine’s Michael “The Eel” Buckley is third on the try scoring list with eight touch downs to date.  Across the ditch, my eldest grandson Bentley Neilson is now up to 37 tries from nine games for his Nedlands junior side in Perth so far this season.  (2020)

HERE’S . . . some sporting look-a-likes that have come to my notice.  The Green Machine’s  Sean Skeet could be the brother of AFL’s West Coast Eagles star 32 year old Josh Kennedy.  In fact when I’ve spoken to Skeeto about the likeness he told me that when holidaying in Bali he was asked for his autograph from Aussies who thought he was Josh Kennedy.  Former All Black centre Conrad Smith and former F1 driver Fernando Alonso, Warriors stand-in head coach Todd Payton and former Wairarapa Hawke Cup cricketer Johnny Hannam and   (2020)

JUST . . . a thought and a bit of fun too with our 30th anniversary on the field coming up in 2021, why don’t we come up with a Napier Old Boys Marist 1st XV since amalgamation?   Feel free to contact me with your thoughts to:-  (2020)

Cheers McGoo

  All success takes place outside the comfort zone.



“This was rugby on steroids.  It was bold, brassy, brutal and beautiful.  But what it was not is sustainable.” 

Dominion Post scribe Mark Hinton.

“Michael is one of the biggest names in our club competition.”

Taradale winger Majella Tufuga who heads the try scoring table one ahead of Napier OBM’s Michael Buckley who he looks forward to marking in the Maddison semi-final.

“We will do everything possible within our powers to play whatever rugby can be played.”

Head of NZ Rugby’s provincial rugby Steve Lancaster.


“Optimism has been replace by anxiety.”

Stuff columnist Richard Knowler on the future of the Rugby Championship.

“It’s amazing when you haven’t got anything to watch how important rugby is to everyone’s lives.”

Australian ‘Roar’ blog.


Test  Your Rugby Knowledge 

This weeks Poser 1  –  In what position did the Hurricanes finish in this years Super Rugby Aotearoa ?   

Poser 2   –   What game would have been the Hurricanes highlight of the season ?

Poser 3  –  Who has been selected as the Hurricanes Player of the Year ?

Poser 4 –    What is the surname of the first trio of brothers to play for the All Blacks ?        


Last weeks Poser 1  –  Can you name the Asia Pacific team keen to join the NZ Super Rugby comp in future ?      Answer –  The Asia Pacific Dragons                  

Poser 2   – Name the co-captains of the Hurricanes ?     Answer – Dane Coles & TJ Perenara             

Poser 3  –  Hows the memory ?  Who did our Prems beat in on the opening game of the 2020 Spillane Tournament. And also the Final  ?         Answer –  MSP (1st round) & Hutt OBM (Final)                

Poser 4 –  Two milestones were set in Saturdays Highlanders – Hurricanes match. What were they ?         Answer –  Highlanders Aaron Smith 150th game & Ash Dixon’s 100th game.

   MITRE10 CUP  –  Sun 13 Sept vs Southland (Invercargill)  –  Sun 20 Sept vs Counties Manukau (Napier)  –  Sat 26 Sept vs Canterbury (Napier)  –   Sunday 4 Oct vs Otago (Dunedin)  –  Sun 11 Oct vs North Harbour (Takapuna)  –   Fri 16 Oct vs Northland (Napier)  –  Sat 24 Oct vs Manawatu (Napier)  –   Sun 1 Nov vs Bay of Plenty  (Tauranga)  –   Sun 8 Nov vs Wellington (Napier)  –  Sun 15 Nov vs Taranaki (New Plymouth).

Aotearoa Competition
Round 1  –
Sat.13 June  –  Highlanders  28  Chiefs 27   @  Dunedin   Sun.14 June  –  Blues  30  Hurricanes 20  @  Auckland   Bye – Crusaders
Round 2 – Sat 20 June – Chiefs  12  Blues 24  @  Hamilton    Sun 21 June –  Hurricanes  25  Crusaders 39    Bye  – Highlanders
Round 3 – Sat 27 June –  Blues  27  Highlanders 24   Sun 28 June –  Crusaders  18  Chiefs 13   Bye – Hurricanes
Round 4 – Sat 4 July –  Highlanders 20  Crusaders 40    Sun 5 July  –  Chiefs  v Hurricanes   Bye – Blues
Round 5 – Sat 11 July – Crusaders 26 Blues 15   Sun 12 July – Hurricanes 17 Highlanders 11   Bye – Chiefs
Round 6 – Sat 18 July – Hurricanes 29 Blues 27   Sun 19 July – Chiefs 31 Highlanders 33   Bye – Crusaders
Round 7  –  Sat 25 July – Crusaders 32 Hurricanes 34   Sun 26 July – Blues 21 Chiefs 17  Bye – Highlanders
Round 8Sat 1 August –  Chiefs 19 Crusaders 32  Sun 2 August – Highlanders 21 Blues 32
Round 9  – Sat 8 August – Hurricanes 31 Chiefs 18   Sun 9 August – Crusaders 32 Highlanders 22  Bye – Blues
Round 10 – Sat 15 August – Highlanders 38 Hurricanes 21   Sun 16 August – Blues v Crusaders (cancelled)    Bye – Chiefs
Finito – Super Rugby 2020

HOME INTERNATIONALS  –   An update on whether any of these or which games – Bledisloe Cup /  Rugby Championship games will proceed is still to be announced.


New Zealand Marist Rugby Federation
An organization initiated to promote and foster a spirit of union, co-operation and close friendly relations between all Marist and similar rugby union football clubs in New Zealand, Australasia and the Pacific.

Neil Murphy,  General Manager

Ellwood Function Centre,  Otene Road,  Hastings.     Phone: 0274 070 809          E-mail:


+ Dates still to be finalized…
2020 NZ Marist Colts tour  –  Northland/Auckland regions 
– This years tour has been cancelled.
2020 NZ MARIST XV  v  NZR Divisional XV

>>>  <<<



ExHigh Marist Netball

Pass the Word Around
Come along and join our club in 2021

Playing Netball without spectators children and noise was rather surreal

Celtics played Toki who had 6 players. It was very hard to play a structured game with the opposing team not having a full team.

It was a messy game and the court was often not balanced with players looking forward not making options to set the goal third up for the shoots to make space for themselves. Sherise played GS in the first quarter and was easily found given her height therefore Naera was able to get in position to receive the offload and score.

The defence of Emma Sherise and Sarah was absolutely sublime in the last 1/4. Great timing and alleviation from this defence saw frustration and tiredness set in for Toki and they just couldn’t match our speed.

We had a good win although we made it hard

Celtics 36 Toki 26

POD Sherise and Sarah

Clovers played HSOG

First quarter we were outplayed as usual but as the game went on we played some great netball and played with confidence.

Mekhi was great throughout the court, balancing the court and always available. Tarra and her daughter in the shooting circle played well together with Tarra controlling the top of the circle allowing her GA to play the base.

An enjoyable game for all and great to see this team improve week by week

HHSOG 34. Clovers 29



Sunday 13th SeptPancake Brekkie …. this is our main fundraiser for the year so please support our club!
We will need helpers, donations of pancake supplies and your TIME!   We will also need you to sell tickets to EVERYONE!!!!   More details to come but please let Anna know if you are able to donate goods and your time:)

Saturday 26th SeptPrizegiving – details to come but it will be from 5pm onwards

Saturday 3rd OctoberMystery Bus Tour … celebrating the end of a challenging year with lots of fun, laughs and social distraction!!!!

If you have any questions or queries please let Anna know.

Please, please support all these events as we are doing them for YOU, the love of the club and the game!!!

>>> For more Info  please Contact:
President: Glenys Hannan  027 8355 565
Secretary: Rebecca Hollyman  022 621 0653  /  Treasurer:  Jacqui Gardiner  0272 398 204  /
Gear Manager: Jo Exeter  0276 227 607  /  Jill Verschaffelt  027 299 2704

Like us on facebook to keep up to date with all the happenings.

‘Team up with ExHigh Marist Netball in 2021′


Marist FC
2020 Committee Members
Chairman – Chris Guillemot
  Treasurer – Nicola Brown   Secretary – Larissa Duwakin   Club Captain – Ken Cooper
Executive –  Sheree Lack,  Marty Akers,  Carl Hunt
Coaching Coordinator – Marty Akers

Junior Club Captain – James McIntosh.   Junior Committee Rep – Anna Quinn

Thanks to our clubs major sponsors
Alexander Electrical  –  Bay Mazda  –  Bay Tours & Charters  –    BTG  –  Engage Video  –  Latteys  –
Matt Sinclair Harcourts  –  Nelson Signs  –   On Line Autos  –  Pak n Save  –  Pro Active Physio  –  Pro Blast  – Red Steel  –  Shed 2  –  Vision Homes  –  Westshore Beach Inn

>>> For all Napier Marist Football info please contact – Chris Guillemot  – 0278 450 952

“Play Napier Marist Football in 2021 – New Players Welcome”


+ Hopefully we will have Info for you on the clubs AGM date  shortly +

Do you or one of your kids have a passion for cricket? Why not join our awesome club!!!

We have senior mens teams at a range of levels (Premier, 40 over semi-social and 30 over social) a women’s team and also junior teams from kiwi cricket up to year 7/8 hardball.

Open pre-season trainings for seniors are taking place between 6:30 and 8pm on Friday nights at the Indoor Cricket Facility at Whitmore Park, Napier.

Junior pre-season trainings/coaching are taking place at the same location between 10:00am and 11:30am on Sundays from August 16th.

Please email –
or call 0204 1557 857 to register for junior trainings.

All trainings will be dependant on the Covid-19 restrictions at the time and all Covid-19 safety requirements will be met at the trainings.

New members are very welcome!!

John O’Shaughnessy
    Dave Herrick
 Andrew Frame
 David Pearson     Treasurer:     James McCorkindale
Del Whyte    
Del Whyte, Matthew Sinclair, Glen Walklin,  Daniel Whyte,  Calim Leathard,  Scott Morgan, Stu Lindsay
+  Club coaches and Team Captains

For all Cricket Info please contact:
– Secretary – Andrew Frame   ph.843 7701 H  /  021 102 4990  –
or  Del Whyte – 021 705 030  –

“New Players Welcome to Team up with us again for the 2020-21 Season”

Contacts:  Club Chairman: Craig Smith.    Secretary: Abby Whitley – 027 8450 735  –
Club Contact: Dianne de Lautour – 027 240 3235
“New Players Welcome to Team up with us for the 2020-21”


The Leprauchan Comments

An Irishman goes into a bar in America and orders three whiskeys. The barman asks: “Would it be better for if I put all three shots in one glass?”

The Irishman replies: “No! I have two other brothers back at home, so every time I come into a pub, I order a shot for them both.”

The following week, the Irishman orders just two whiskeys.

The barman asks: “Did something happen one of your brothers?” “Oh no,” replies the Irishman. “I just decided to quit drinking!”

Mrs Pete Monaghan came into the newspaper office to pay for her husband’s death notice. She was told by the kindly newsman that it was a dollar per word and he remembered Pete and wasn’t it too bad about him passing away.
She thanked him for his kind words and bemoaned the fact that she only had two dollars. So she wrote out the obituary, “Pete died.” The newsman took a look and said he thought old Pete deserved more and he’d give her three more words at no charge.
Mrs Pete Monaghan thanked him and changed it to: “Pete died. Boat for sale”.

An English lawyer was sat with his Irish client. ‘Marty’ he sighed, ‘Why is it that whenever you ask an Irishman a question, he replies with another question?’

‘Bollocks. Who told you that?’ asked Marty.


We look forward to seeing all rugby players, footballers, netballers, cricketers and softballers and friends at the clubrooms each Saturday  –  Pop in for cool Tui or two  – Also bring along your mates for an Ale and a chat.    All members and Friends Welcome …………. Ed

Napier Old Boys Marist Rugby – Napier Old Boys Marist Cricket – Napier Marist Football – Napier Marist Netball – Napier Marist Softball

”Team up with Napier Old Boys Marist” 

Readers please Note:  >>> As we now have in excess of 1200+ email recipients in different groups that receive TeamTalk each week we wish to remind you that if you would like to add a friend or associate  or  if you want to be removed from our Email address list please notify –

Our 2020 Napier Old Boys Marist Club Sponsors

WIT Whatever It Takes  –  Richard Kepka Builders  –  Sideline Bar  – Tremain Real Estate  –  Programmed Property Services  –  Napier Collision Repair Centre  –  Maurice Trapp Group  –  Best Travel  –  Motordrome Tyre Service  –  Broker Webb Risk Services  –  Devine Plumbing  –  BJ Mahony Shearing  – Gailbraith Earthmovers  –  MRD Web –  Hirepool  –  Red Steel  –  Shape Life & Financial Services  –  Tech Group   –  Scott Applegate Electrician  –  Vertex

Thinkwater Hawkes Bay  –  DB Breweries   –  BWR  –  Conroy Removals  –  Napier Sandblasting  –  Danks Carpet Court  –   YOU Travel  –  Nelson Signs   –  Lawson Robinson  –  Kooga  –  Onekawa Liquorland  –  Chris Wiig  –  Cautions Restaurant @ Shed 2  –  Konica Minolta  –  Proactive
Eastern & Central Community Trust  –  Endeavour Community Foundation  –   Four Winds Foundation  –
Infinity Foundation Ltd  –  Lion Foundation – New Zealand Community Trust  –  Pub Charity  –   The Southern Trust

Members Support our valued Sponsors as they Support us