Napier Old Boys Marist Rugby Cricket Club
This is the webpage for Napier Old Boys Marist Rugby Cricket Club, formed by the Marist Rugby Club in 1980 so that their rugby players had a semi-social way of staying together over the summer months. Although this has gone on to include many other sporting personnel other than rugby as well as from other clubs who have been drawn to the team’s ideals and way of playing.
Year Captain Treasurer Sponsor
2023/24 Dale O’Connor Brent
2022/23 Matt Fleming Brent
2021/22 Adam Chapman Brent Motordrome
2020/21 Steve Rogers Brent
2019/20 Dave Jellyman Brent
2018/19 Matt Fleming Brent
2017/18 Chris O’Connor Brent Grassroots
2016/17 Matt Flemming Brent Infinity
2015/16 Stu Paterson Brent
2014/15 Matt Robertson Brent
2013/14 Brent Clements Brent
2012/13 Andy O’Kane Brent Bluewater
2011/12 Wiremu Pearson Brent Bluewater
2010/11 Richie Taylor Brent Bluewater
2009/10 Andy O’Kane Brent Bluewater
2008/09 Rich Atkins-North Brent Bluewater
2007/08 Reece Blundell Brent Bluewater
2006/07 Tim Seed Brent Bluewater
2005/06 Grant Bennett Brent Bluewater
2004/05 Brent Clements Frank Bluewater
2003/04 Mike Clements Frank Bluewater
2002/03 Brendan Hoare AJ Bluewater
2001/02 Ross Clements AJ Bluewater
2000/01 Darren Goodall AJ Corner Bar
1999/00 Darren Holyoake AJ Californian
1998/99 Greg O’Shaughnessy AJ Rosie O’Gradys
1997/98 Dave Anderson AJ Shakespeare
1996/97 Alan Gardiner Brent Shakespeare
1995/96 Tui Tuikolovatu Brent Shakespeare
1994/95 Pat Pearce Brent Shakespeare
1993/94 Derek Woodford Frank Crown
1992/93 Kerry Rich Frank Crown
Changed name from MaristRugbyCC to NOBMaristRugbyCC
1991/92 Bob Nellor Frank Crown
1990/91 Brent Clements Brent Crown
1989/90 Brent Clements Brent Crown
1988/89 Greg O’Shaughnessy Flash Marist RCC
1987/88 Nick Wealleans Squid Onekawa
1986/87 Terry Phillips Chippie Onekawa
1985/86 Dave Scott Scotty Onekawa
1984/85 John O’Rourke Chook Westshore
1983/84 Mark Kearney Ugly Westshore
1982/83 Dave Roberts Dave Westshore
1981/82 John O’Rourke Chook Westshore
1980/81 Pete Damon Pete Westshore
From the Napier Marist Brothers Old Boys Rugby Football Club “Team Talk” archives:
Team Talk December 1980:
Marist Rugby Cricket. This year for the first time, the Rugby Club is fielding its own cricket team, which is playing in the 4th grade B competition. This team is completely independent of the Marist Cricket Club. The team organiser Mark Kearney, aided by a number of our club members, have some thirty interested part-time players on their books. At the time of going to print the rugby cricketers have recorded 1 win & 2 losses. Mark assures us that the boys will soon have their act together and improved results are on the way. The team is being sponsored by Graham Price of the Westshore Hotel.
Team Talk June 1981:
A rather belated inaugural Presentation Evening was held at the Westshore Hotel for our Marist Rugby Cricket XI :
Best Bowler – Batsman : John O’Rourke
Best Fielder : Dave Scott
Duck’ : Dave McNally
Plus a special award to Graham Price for assistance to the team.
Honours Board
Player Runs Year Opponent
A.Cachmaille 100* 88/89 Clive Rugby
J.Herbert 145 88/89 Hibernian
S.Gittings 114 88/89 Albert
R.McGrath 171 89/90 Eskview
R.McGrath 101* 89/90 Clive Rugby
D.Goodall 106 90/91 Eskview
R.McGrath 132 90/91 Acadamy
R.McGrath 131 92/93 Flaxmere
C.Nellor 128 93/94 Terminus
P.Andrews 133 95/96 Taradale
P.Andrews 100* 95/96 North City
D.Goodall 149 96/97 Havelock
D.Goodall 128* 96/97 Clive Rugby
D.Goodall 100 97/98 Clive Rugby
P.Pearce 102 97/98 Tamatea
D.Goodall 100 98/99 Tech
T. Clayton 100* 02/03 Tamatea
D. Goodall 113 03/04 Celtic
D. Goodall 135 04/05 Havelock
C.Scannell 102 05/06 Hobblers
P.Pearce 101* 06/07 NBHS
R.Clements 111 09/10 Tech
W.Pearson 102 11/12 Taradale
M.Robertson 100 12/13 Havelock High
M.Robertson 101 12/13 St. Johns
R.Clements 140* 24/25 Hibernian
5 Wicket Bags
Player Wkts/Runs Season Opponent
K Rich 7 ” 51 96/97 Clive Rugby
E.Sullivan 6 ” 16 15/16 Hobblers (2nd game)
A.O’Kane 6 ” 31 09/10 Tech
D.Goodall 6 ” 35 96/97 Celtic
G Stanford 5 ” 26 88/89 Maraenui
B.Nellor 5 ” 30 90/91 Bledisloe
G.O’Shaughnessy 5 ” 21 90/91 Acadamy
G.O’Shaughnessy 5 ” 29 92/93 Flaxmere
P.Andrews 5 ” 30 93/94 Porthill
G.O’Shaughnessy 5 ” 13 94/95 Mens Lib
T.Kolovatu 5 ” 25 95/96 Mallard
B.Nellor 5 ” 12 96/97 Cornwall
B.Nellor 5 ” 26 96/97 Victoria
K.Rich 5 ” 27 97/98 Central
C.Clements 5 ” 25 98/99 NBHS
G.Bennett 5 ” 35 98/99 HB Squash
R.Clements 5 ” 10 02/03 Hvl Nth
D.Goodall 5 ” 12 02/03 Tech
R.Clements 5 ” 27 03/04 Taradale
P.Paerce 5 ” 32 05/06 Cornwall
P.Halas 5 ” 25 08/09 NBHS
W.Pearson 5 ” 42 10/11 HBHS
M.Dunsmore 5 ” 46 11/12 Celtic
R.Clements 5 ” 24 12/13 Hobblers
D.Jellyman 5 ” 42 13/14 Big Barrell NOBM
B.Clements 5 ” 32 14/15 Eskview
D.Jellyman 5 ” 17 14/15 Hobblers
D.Burrows 3 “ 13 88/89 Rockers
D.Goodall 6 ” 35 97/98 Celtic
R.Clements 5 ” 24 12/13 Hobblers
T Stanford/R McGrath 234 90/91 (1st Wicket) Academy
G O’Shaughnessy/R McGrath 240 89/90 (2nd Wicket) Eskview
P Andrews/T Kolovatu 189 95/96 (3rd Wicket) Taradale
J Herbert/B Nellor 104 89/90 (4th Wicket) Hibernian
T Kolovatu/M Casey 96* 94/95 (5th Wicket) North City
T Clayton/D Goodall 181 02/03 (6th Wicket) Tamatea
P Andrews/B Nellor 80 91/92 (7th Wicket) Braggs
G O’Shaughnessy/G Church 133 98/99 (8th Wicket) Cornwall
B Clements/B Nellor 73 94/95 (9th Wicket) Porthill
R Clements/B Clements 92 12/13 (10th Wicket) Hobblers
Lowest Score
36/10 v Havelock 01/02
Highest Score
336/7 v Havelock 04/05
Life Members
Brent Clements 04/05
– Member since 85-05 (300 games)
– Captain 89,90,04
– Treasurer 89,90,94,95,96,05
– Various Admin & Team Support
– Club Statistician
– 100 Club Career Wickets (apparently reached 2006)
– 100 Club Career Runs (nearly)
I MacRae Batting Cup B Furlong Bowling Cup
1994 Paul Andrews Paul Andrews
1995 Bob Nellor Pat Pearce
1996 Paul Andrews Tui Tuikolavatu
1997 Darren Goodall Bob Nellor
1998 Darren Goodall Bob Nellor
1999 Darren Goodall Grant Bennett
2000 Darren Goodall Kerry Rich
2001 Pat Pearce Greg O’Shaughnessy
2002 Darren Goodall Brent Clements
2003 Trevor Clayton Jamie Cowan
2004 Darren Goodall Pat Pearce
2005 Richard Atkins-North Tim Coull
2006 Simon Mitchell Grant Bennett
2007 Alan Gardiner Tim Seed
2008 Chris Scannell Logan Strange
2009 Dean Woolhouse Andy O’Kane
2010 Ross Clements Pete Hallas
2011 Wiremu Pearson Wiremu Pearson
2012 Ross Clements Dave Jellyman
2013 Ross Clements Ross Clements
2014 Ross Clements Blair Cotton
2015 Matt Robertson Erin Sullivan
2016 Wiremu Pearson Wiremu Pearson
2017 Adam Chapman Mike Clements
2018 Ross Clements Adam Chapman
2019 Adam Chaman Dave Jellyman
2020 Ross Clements Steve Rogers
2021 Matt Robertson Ross Clements
2022 Matt Robertson Matt Flemming
2023 Matt Robertson Ross Clements